City Jungle Black

A highly versatile and elegant low leather barefoot shoe for natural movement around the city. A unique shape developed for your 100% natural foot development. Featuring the perfect combination of a 4mm barefoot rubber sheet and a 4mm multi-layer removable insole that allows for absolute shoe flexibility while protecting you from hard impact, sharp items and the cold!

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Category: Barefoot shoes
Barva: Černá

Barefoot shoes handmade in EU, offering the widest space for toes for 100% natural movement. Developed in partnership with Matyáš Kozma, a leading Czech natural movement instructor. Handmade by world-class shoemakers from EU.

  • Made of leather
  • Fabric lining
  • 4mm-high sole – anti-slip, highly flexible, yet resistant
  • Special removable insole – optimal combination, product of 4 years of research. It is flexible, yet capable of absorbing shock, stimulates walking in nature, such as on wooded trails
  • Special shape - widest around the toes.


Upper: smooth leather
Lining: spring fabric lining
Sole: rubber


Size chart

Délka a šířka


How to choose a size?


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GA Avatar of author | 18/01/2025
Spokojenost maximální opravdu je měkký došlap, Pěkně sedí. Zatím vypadají i velmi výdržně.
AC Avatar of author | 22/12/2024
Completely satisfied with the product. Wide toe-box, like no other, sole with great grip, quality material. A real barefoot shoe.
ŠA Avatar of author | 06/12/2024
Neuvěřitelně pohodlné již po prvním obutí. Barefoot boty jsem nosil již několik let, ale teprve díky Realfoot shoes jsem pochopil o kolik lepší to může být.
RL Avatar of author | 10/11/2024
I love these shoes! I wear them indoors at work and outside when the degrees are plus celcius. The only thing I'd wish for is a little more space around my bunions. They sometimes hurt wearing them because of the seam that goes across the bunions. I've put a thin patch on the inside and that made it better but not perfect. I love the soles, the soft leather and the handcraft. I can not find any other shoe brand that give enough space for all my toes to spread and I'm finally able to walk on my whole foot gounded.
AC Avatar of author | 20/09/2024
Fast delivery, great fit. High quality
MG Avatar of author | 27/05/2024
I love these shoes. One of the most comfortable ones I have wore. I have yet to try them for a full day though and I suspect that they might be too warm for wearing all day at the office since they have a thicker lining than I expected.
FS Avatar of author | 14/05/2024
Chodi se v nich moc dobre.
Avatar of author | 04/04/2024
Botky jsou perfektní. Jeden den objednáno, druhý den už botky běhaly :-)
JR Avatar of author | 26/02/2024
velmi spokojená
ŠK Avatar of author | 22/02/2024
Velmi rychlé dodání, Bota vypadá dobře zpracovaná. Hezky sedí na noze, Mám spoustu místa na prsty.
Avatar of author | 10/01/2024
Perfect. Finally a shoe that fits me right. Customer service was excellent.
AS Avatar of author | 13/12/2023
Very satisfied! Biggest toe-box out there! Super comfortable, very soft inside lining.
ZZ Avatar of author | 07/12/2023
Looks just like in the pictures. Very comfortable and (for the thinness of the sole) surprisingly warm. Flawless customer service. My only concern could be longevity. I"m going to rate again after having worn them for a couple of months.
PC Avatar of author | 01/10/2023
The shoes are excellent, very soft and comfortable and the material seems to be of good quality. Hopefully, they will last a long time. There was a small error when ordering because the site was showing 1 available pair in my size, but after waiting about a few days the order still wasn't sent. After contacting support it was sorted out quickly, sizing down worked well.
PH Avatar of author | 15/09/2023
Zatím velká spokojenost
LB Avatar of author | 06/09/2023
Since I am already walking around without shoes most of the time and find normal shoes to be uncomfortable I found that these shoes had no period where I had to get used to how they felt to walk in and the excellent space for my toes made me go down 3 shoe sizes from 45 to 42 with the measurement instructions that were readily available. While my muscles are still getting used to walking in them I have been limiting the distance I walk so as to not damage the muscles in my heel and leg since I have had smaller cramps when standing in my calves when I started using them. I find that my walking speed has been somewhat reduced but that does not impact me personally, mainly due to the shorter steps that are taken so as to not have to land on my heels. I am yet to have tried running in them but I would imagine that it would be similar to running without shoes in terms of foot positioning based on what I have gathered so far. Overall these shoes are comfortable to use and do not make me as reluctant to put my shoes on as I did previously.
HP Avatar of author | 29/08/2023
S koupí bot jsem dlouho váhala, mám totiž normálně širokou nohu a nebyla jsem si jistá, jestli v nich nebudu plavat. Opak je ale pravdou, do bot jsem se zamilovala na první obutí! Kolem paty a prostřední části nohy mi naopak sedí lépe (příjemně těsněji) než u jiných barefoot bot a ve špičce je moře prostoru pro prsty. Nadšená jsem byla i při vycházce v nich, pohodlné, jak backurky, tak akorát ztlumi naráz na městské chodníky, ale zároveň nechají chodidlo pracovat. Před prvním použitím jsem je naimpregnovala a zkoušela je rovnou v dešti, vůbec nepromokly. Tohle se Vám, pánové, opravdu povedlo :))
DK Avatar of author | 15/08/2023
Jsem spokojená,jsou to pi dlouhé době boty,které mi dobře sedí,jsou měkoučké a lehké♥️
AH Avatar of author | 13/08/2023
Boty mě velmi překvapily 😊 jsou hodně pohodlné a opravdu široké.
PD Avatar of author | 09/08/2023
Na podrobnější hodnocení je po osmi dnech ještě brzo. Kůže na špičce boty má tendenci se ohýbat v trochu jiném místě než by pro přechod nártu a prstů na mé noze bylo ideální.
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A Avatar of author 18/01/2024 14:21
Dobrý den, ráda bych zakoupila tuto obuv. Bohužel když se snažím v nastavení množství zvolit jede pár, vždy se mi objeví nápis , že lze zakoupit minimální množství 3 páry.
A Avatar of author 16/01/2024 23:05
Jak to, že nelze zakoupit pouze jeden pár ale musím si koupit hned 3 páry najednou? Nejdříve si chci boty vyzkoušet.
LI Avatar of author Je podrážka kromě švu také lepená? / Is the sole in addition to the seam also glued? 25/02/2023 02:20
Je podrážka kromě švu také lepená? Vivobarefoot Addis" je pouze šitá, ale nelepená, proto jsem často viděl, že se podrážka u jiných lidí uvolňuje. / Is the sole in addition to the seam also glued? The 'Vivobarefoot Addis' is only sewn but not glued, resulting in the sole comming loose quite often it seems.
LI Avatar of author Jiná kůže než u zimních bot? / Different leather than the winter boots? 25/02/2023 02:15
Na fotografiích produktu vypadá kůže modelu "City Jungle Black" světlejší a matnější než u zimních bot (Farmer Winter Black). Používá bota jinou kůži? Na zimních botách jsou také vidět póry (anilinová kůže?)./ In the product photos, the leather of the 'City Jungle Black' looks lighter and duller than on the winter boots (Farmer Winter Black). Does the shoe use a different type of leather? On the winter boots you can also see the pores (aniline leather?).
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